Watch the videos as Dr. Trudy helps you
Marriage intensives and bootcamps are very effective, however they involve travel and the cost is great. You can have the same information now in the comfort of your home as you watch the videos and do the training handbook assignments. Each video ends with helping you learn to pray together.
Christian Marriages Need Help!
We’ve all heard the claim that “Christians are just as likely to divorce as non-Christians.” This assertion is commonly associated with a 2008 study conducted by the Barna Research Group.
The study by the Barna Research Group concluded that individuals who identified as Christian were just as prone to divorce as those who did not.
After 18 years and over 18,000 hours in my career I'm seeing that couples need basic training on how to be married because they come from divorced or dysfunctional homes themselves and never had an example of a marriage the way God intended it to be.
85% of problems in marriage stem from the family of origin of the spouses, according to one research study.
Our Goal.
At A'nesis Retreats Marriage Training, we believe that every couple can benefit from marriage counseling, regardless of the stage of their relationship. Our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment where couples can work through their issues and strengthen their bond and their spiritual growth all in the comfort of their home.
Simple Steps.
Simply committing to spending time together working on your marriage and inviting God into the process is going to improve your marriage no matter what state you are currently in. Whether you are starting to get discouraged or you are on the brink of ruin, simply committing time and attention to your marriage and praying together will bring miraculous help to your marriage!
The Process.
The A'nesis Marriage Training consists of 12 separate modules. Each module covers a separate topic. The slow process means you will work on one module each month, You can also choose to go faster through the modules. If you commit to even one module per month and practice what you learn through the month you will experience amazing results!
List of topics covered in the training:
- Why Should You Take This Training? (1:41)
- Trudy M. Johnson, PhD,LMFT, CCTS-1 More Information (1:39)
- A Message to a Reluctant Spouse from Dr. Trudy (1:32)
- Download Your A'nesis Marriage Training Handbook
- Beginning Encouragement: Start Dreaming About Your Marriage Goals!
- Dr. Trudy's Heartfelt Message - Why is This Training Different than Other Progams? (6:21)
- Another Difference ~ Tools! (0:45)
- The Demise of Marriage ~ Are You Emotionally Divorced? (4:15)
- Marriage Statistics (3:54)
- 2 Places that invite conflict (3:00)
- Communication Styles- Internal or External? (1:56)
- Activity Level- Active or Quiet (1:32)
- Homework: Evaluation: Internal or External Processor
- God Bag! (2:15)
- God Bag! - Blended Families (1:33)
- God Bag! - In-Laws (1:52)
- God Bag! - "Covert" Jealousy (1:10)
- God Bag! - Sexual Issues (1:18)
- H.E.L.P.! Our Marriage Isn't Working! (3:13)
- Why You Don't Have the B.E.S.T. Marriage (2:24)
- You Are Believing the Two Biggest Marriage Lies (2:37)
- You Aren't Repairing Arguments ~"Don't Go to Bed Angry" (1:39)
- You're Expecting "Things Will Change" Without Changing Yourself Personally
- You're Christians With a Secular Marriage (2:00)
- Understanding Warfare and Marriage (2:24)
- You are Emotionally Shutdown (1:21)
- Sex Begins in the Kitchen
- Beginning Communication - 4 Horsemen of the Apocolypse (4:32)
- Identifying Your Crazy Cycle (5:54)
- Communication Tools - Take Out Tone of Voice! (2:56)
- Communication Tools - Hand Signals - #1 & #2 (3:54)
- Why you should STOP Destructive Communication Cycles (3:11)
- STOP Destructive Communication Cycles - Hand Signal #3 (1:31)
- 20 minute Break - Re-Set (3:48)
- Prayer to Stop Destructive Communication (2:52)
- Prayer for Communication Healing (3:01)
- Prayer of Release (1:29)
- Schedule a Session with Dr. Trudy
- HELP ME! -Hand Signal #4 (2:24)
- ICU TALK- Talking through from a Heart Level (3:50)
- Business Meeting - Hand Signal #5 (4:06)
- Summary of Communication Helps (1:13)
- Connecting Communication (2:54)
- Prayer for Connecting Communication (3:01)
- 1 Corinthians 13 (1:29)
- Prayer of Release (1:29)
- Prayer Against Sabotage of Our Marriage (3:30)
- Schedule a Session with Dr. Trudy
Most couples wait six years before they seek help for their marriage. By the time they go to counseling there is a lot of damage!
You are having painful learning experiences because you need training!
Learning how to do marriage is a trainable process!
Why travel to an appointment only to be disappointed because things didn't get addressed in the 50-60 minute session? You are smart! You can learn what you are doing wrong and you can learn new ways of having a victorious experience in your marriage.