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Anesis Marriage Training
Welcome- Christian Marriages Need Help!
Why Should You Take This Training? (1:41)
Trudy M. Johnson, PhD,LMFT, CCTS-1 More Information (1:39)
A Message to a Reluctant Spouse from Dr. Trudy (1:32)
Download Your A'nesis Marriage Training Handbook
Beginning Encouragement: Start Dreaming About Your Marriage Goals!
Dr. Trudy's Heartfelt Message - Why is This Training Different than Other Progams? (6:21)
Another Difference ~ Tools! (0:45)
The Demise of Marriage ~ Are You Emotionally Divorced? (4:15)
Before You Begin
Marriage Statistics (3:54)
2 Places that invite conflict (3:00)
Communication Styles- Internal or External? (1:56)
Activity Level- Active or Quiet (1:32)
Homework: Evaluation: Internal or External Processor
God Bag! (2:15)
God Bag! - Blended Families (1:33)
God Bag! - In-Laws (1:52)
God Bag! - "Covert" Jealousy (1:10)
God Bag! - Sexual Issues (1:18)
Why Your Marriage Isn't Working
H.E.L.P.! Our Marriage Isn't Working! (3:13)
Why You Don't Have the B.E.S.T. Marriage (2:24)
You Are Believing the Two Biggest Marriage Lies (2:37)
You Aren't Repairing Arguments ~"Don't Go to Bed Angry" (1:39)
You're Expecting "Things Will Change" Without Changing Yourself Personally
You're Christians With a Secular Marriage (2:00)
Understanding Warfare and Marriage (2:24)
You are Emotionally Shutdown (1:21)
Sex Begins in the Kitchen
Spiritual leadership begins with praying together.
Dr. Trudy talks about the importance of learning to pray together. (4:52)
Talking Points: Why I Fear Praying With my Spouse
Beginning Prayer to Pray Together (4:29)
Reciting 1 Corinthians 13 Together (1:29)
Resources used in this training (2:35)
Marriage Counseling Intensive Programs
Simple Steps.
Commit to a time. (2:50)
Watch the videos in order, one at a time.
Listen and Do ---Listen to the videos in order. Work in the Training Manual together.
Committing to This Training
We're Deciding to Commit a Time to Invest in Our Marriage
If You Haven't Downloaded Your Manual ~ Here it is Again!
If You Would Like to Get the Hard Copy of the Handbook
Lesson 1: What are Our Core Beliefs?
The Importance of Understanding the Core Beliefs of Your Spouse (1:59)
What is Your Normal?
What is Your Love Style? (1:03)
What is your 85%?
What I Received
What is your Attachment Style? (2:41)
What is Your Love Language? (1:52)
Prayers (5:32)
Lesson 2: How are we doing in our Christian marriage?
What Does God Say? 1 Peter 3:1-7 (15:56)
What Does God Say? 1 Peter 3:7 Weaker Partner?
Prayer for a 1 Peter 3 Marriage (2:26)
Some Thoughts About Forgiveness
Dr. Trudy addresses the issue of forgiveness (2:32)
"Alpheimi" ~ "Let it go" More About Forgiveness (1:53)
Prayers (5:50)
Lesson 3: The Positive View
15-25 Good Times To Wipe Out One Bad Time (2:25)
We Can Dysregulate Each Other's Nervous System (3:06)
The Number One Reason Marriages Break Up Might Surprise You! (2:21)
Maintaining the Positive View (7:15)
Lesson 3 Homework Assignments (0:52)
Prayers (3:18)
Lesson 4: Beginning Basics of a Christian Marriage
Training - Not Criticism (1:03)
The Four Needs of Women (3:10)
The Four Needs of Men (3:05)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Schedule a Session with Dr. Trudy
Lesson 5: Communication 101
Beginning Communication - 4 Horsemen of the Apocolypse (4:32)
Identifying Your Crazy Cycle (5:54)
Communication Tools - Take Out Tone of Voice! (2:56)
Communication Tools - Hand Signals - #1 & #2 (3:54)
Why you should STOP Destructive Communication Cycles (3:11)
STOP Destructive Communication Cycles - Hand Signal #3 (1:31)
20 minute Break - Re-Set (3:48)
Prayer to Stop Destructive Communication (2:52)
Prayer for Communication Healing (3:01)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
Schedule a Session with Dr. Trudy
Lesson 6: Communication 102
HELP ME! -Hand Signal #4 (2:24)
ICU TALK- Talking through from a Heart Level (3:50)
Business Meeting - Hand Signal #5 (4:06)
Summary of Communication Helps (1:13)
Connecting Communication (2:54)
Prayer for Connecting Communication (3:01)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:29)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
Prayer Against Sabotage of Our Marriage (3:30)
Schedule a Session with Dr. Trudy
Lesson 7: Communication 103
How to Apologize (2:52)
How to Repair (2:58)
Win/Win: How to Solve a Problem Together (6:23)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Praying Together (4:15)
Lesson 8: The Christian Marriage - Sex
You are Not Alone! (3:11)
Pornography ~ Not God's Design (10:08)
Past Sexual Injuries ~ Abuse and Molestation
Sexual Addiction and Sexual Anorexia
Prayer for Sexual Purity Restoration (3:11)
Prayer to break sexual soul ties (3:08)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Lesson 9 : Christian Couples and Money
A very important piece of a Christian marriage! (4:24)
Prayer for Help with Money (3:22)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
Lesson 10: The Christian Marriage - Tough Issues
Addictions and Betrayals (1:49)
Screen Time (1:59)
Married to Work - Married to Children (2:02)
The Angry Spouse (3:36)
The ADHD Spouse (3:36)
Prayer for help with difficult things (1:50)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Lesson 11: A Word About Trauma
Definition of Trauma and It's Impact on Relationships (2:23)
How Trauma Creates Responses and How Trauma Impacts the Memory (4:12)
Prayer for Trauma Healing (2:25)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Lesson 12: Finishing Strong - God's Team and Example of Christ's Love
What I Want (3:38)
A Legacy of Prayer (5:34)
Finishing Heartfelt Thoughts from Dr. Johnson (6:52)
Prayer of Release (1:29)
1 Corinthians 13 (1:49)
Praying Against Sabotage in Our Marriage (3:30)
We would like to touch base with you Dr. Trudy!
We would like to understand about our Gift and Calling.
If You Haven't Downloaded Your Manual ~ Here it is Again!
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