Beginning Encouragement: Start Dreaming About Your Marriage Goals!

Something to think about.

Good motivation for starting this training if you are reluctant, is to think about your vision for your marriage. What is keeping you from accomplishing your dreams for marriage? Are you just surviving, hoping things will get better someday?

According to Dr. John Gottman, the typical couple doesn't get help until 6 years past when they should. What's keeping you from investing 30-60 minutes weekly or even monthly to improve your marriage dynamics? The A'nesis Marriage Training will help you have a plan to follow in the comfort of your home.


Lesson Summary

Good motivation for starting training on marriage dynamics can come from contemplating your vision for your marriage. Consider the following:

  • Are you hindered from achieving your marriage dreams, merely getting by in hopes of improvement?
  • Many couples seek help six years later than they should, as noted by Dr. John Gottman.
  • What obstacles prevent investing 30-60 minutes weekly or monthly to better your marriage?

The A'nesis Marriage Training offers a home-based plan. Delve into your relationship vision:

  • Have you and your partner discussed your desires for the relationship?
  • Individually list the 7 most crucial aspects you both seek from your relationship.
  • Afterward, share and rate each statement's importance on a 1-10 scale.
  • Consider both honesty and empathy toward your partner's feelings during this exercise.

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