Why Should You Take This Training?

Lesson Summary

We’ve all heard the claim that “Christians are just as likely to divorce as non-Christians.” This assertion is commonly associated with a 2008 study conducted by the Barna Research Group.

  • The study by the Barna Research Group concluded that individuals who identified as Christian were just as prone to divorce as those who did not.

After 18 years and over 18,000 hours in my career I'm seeing that couples need basic training on how to be married because they come from divorced or dysfunctional homes themselves and never had an example of a marriage the way God intended it to be.

85% of problems in marriage stem from the family of origin of the spouses.

Going to marriage counseling brings its own set of problems:

1). It's expensive.

2). It's too focused on the problems and couples lose hope quickly.

3). One or both don't feel heard which is a major part of the problem to begin with.

4). Hourly counseling doesn't bring solutions fast enough and couples end up more hopeless than when they started.

5). Intensive counseling can involve time and travel and is expensive.

6). One spouse is reluctant to go for help ~ embarrassed or fearful or doesn't think they have a problem.

Learning how to be married could be an answer for many couples struggling for resolution to their communication problems and differences.

Lesson Summary

Lesson Summary

Many have heard the claim that Christians are just as likely to divorce as non-Christians, often linked to a 2008 Barna Research Group study. The study suggested that Christians were as prone to divorce as non-Christians. Couples often need basic marriage training due to their own backgrounds lacking healthy marital examples. In marriage, 85% of issues can stem from the spouses' family of origin.

Attending marriage counseling poses challenges:

  • It can be costly.
  • Sessions may overly focus on problems, causing couples to lose hope swiftly.
  • One or both partners may not feel heard initially, compounding the existing problem.
  • Progress might be slow with hourly counseling, leaving couples feeling more despondent.
  • Intensive counseling may require significant time, travel, and be expensive.
  • One spouse might be reluctant to seek help due to embarrassment, fear, or denial of issues.

Learning how to be married could offer a solution for many couples experiencing challenges in communication and navigating differences.

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