
Before we begin, I would be amiss if I didn't express my gratitude for the ways God has blessed me,, not only with the creation of the Emet Trauma Resolution program but especially for how even though He allowed strife to come against me in my trauma story, He also did a great job of redeeming. I am living proof of How God can give a person a "whole new life" once they "let go" and let Him.

Among my blessings that again are too numerous to count, are my awesome daughter-in-laws. I name them in chronological order: Jen, Kara and Stacey. These women! Wow! I am amazed at their strength, their intellect, their resolve, their humor and their hearts.

I've worked with so many clients struggling with these relationships...that mother-in-law, daughter-in-law "thing." It is a sad struggle and my heart goes out to the hurt and pain in these areas. No one wins.

Thank you Jen, Kara and Stacey. You are all amazing!

My final thanks is to Stacey. She single-handedly brought the EMET Trauma Resolution training into the 21st century. Not only did she design the logo, she also created the app that allows us to access the protocol on our IPADS and IPHONES. Additionally, she completely re-created the training protocol handbook to be more pleasing to eye. She spent HOURS doing this in the middle of her business-woman/mom schedule. We are all benefactors of her dedication to the EMET Trauma Resolution "project." Again...I am so very grateful!

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